
Thursday, October 13, 2011

Oh no! Not peanut butter!

Apparently we've just had the worst peanut harvest we've had in 30 years. So guess what? That beloved jar of salty creamy (or chunky) goodness is about to get a little more pricey. Peanut butter makers are said to be raising their wholesale prices 30-40% in the coming months. No bueno. With 90% of American homes consuming peanut butter, I think everyone will feel the crunch. Looks like that budget staple, might not be so budget anymore. (Find out more here). Guess I need to make a trip to Costco and stock up!

Speaking of peanut butter, does anyone else eat totally random things on their waffles? (This transition might seem unrelated right now, but just'll make sense in a second). I almost never eat them with butter and syrup like a normal person. Why? Who knows! Last weekend we made waffles and I had them with peanut butter and jelly.

Tell me that doesn't look and sound delicious. Because it seriously is.

I've been known to have a waffle or two with nutella, maybe throw some bananas on there. Nothing is really off limits for waffles if you ask me. My stepmom totally eats hers with vanilla yogurt (sounds weird, completely delicious). Please tell me we're not the only two weirdos eating non-butter and syrup waffles.


shirley girl said...

Yogurt sounds wonderful...ty Linds....

Nikki Correa said...

I somehow overlooked this post back a MONTH ago, but found it when I was reviewing your blog, these sounds AMAZING!!!