
Friday, October 12, 2012

Random Thoughts from my Mommy Brain

I find myself here this morning wanting to write. After months of absence from here, I'm not sure what has sparked the interest. It's raining, so maybe that's it. I also have a cup of hot coffee. What is it about sitting at the computer with a cup of coffee that's so great?

You know what's not making me want to write? The baby who has suddenly refused to take a solid nap this week. Before my fingers could even hit the keyboard that baby monitor started singing. And by singing, I mean crying. Oh, you're wondering while I'm still writing while my baby is crying? First of all, stop judging me. Second of all, it's really more like intermittent fussing and I'm hoping she'll go back to sleep. Calm down. I'm watching her on the video monitor. She's fine. Babies cry. Get over it.

Speaking of baby and my time at home with her, I'm thinking the lack of adult interaction is what is really spurring this sudden interest in writing. After 6 weeks at home with a baby, (I can't believe I'm about to type these words) I actually find myself missing work. It's not the actual work I miss. It's the kitchen conversations, the sense of occasional accomplishment and the security that comes with knowing I can take a sick day. Turns out moms don't get sick days. Also turns out that's really crappy. Exponentially crappier when your baby and husband are also sick and you have out of town visitors.

(If you're still hung up on that whole crying baby business and are currently on hold with CPS, you can hang up now. She's back asleep.) In all seriousness, I can't even tell you how in love I am with this little creature. When I look at her so many thoughts run through my head. Let's share a few:

1. You were inside of me. You grew from a little speck of a poppy seed into a full blown baby. This is crazy. If that doesn't make you believe in God, I'm not sure what will.

2. I am responsible for you. Am I qualified? Because I feel like I might really screw it up. Let's watch an episode of Here Comes Honey Boo Boo. We'll both feel better about ourselves.

3. Hey. There's a spot on my shirt. Poop? Leftover muffin? We'll probably never know. Let's just ignore it until laundry day.

4. I love you. So. So. So. So. Much. You don't even understand. Heck, I don't even understand. You are beautiful and precious and perfect. I hope I raise you to know that. I also hope you don't hate me at age 13. You probably will, but just know that I love you. You'll probably like me again one day.

5. You are so cute. How did we make you?

Other things I've learned in my first 6 weeks of mommyhood:

1. The likelihood of my hair seeing a heat styling tool on any given day is pretty remote. Putting on earrings helps me not look like a troll. At least that's what I keep telling myself. Case in point:

2. Nursing pads are a necessity, right up there with oxygen and water. Also, washable nursing pads are a joke. Disposable is where it's at.

3. Speaking of nursing, I now totally get why it doesn't work out for some people. It's hard in so many ways. I feel lucky that it's going well for us.
4. Coffee is a new food group.

5. Sleep? Yes, please. I'd like some more. With that said though, you can actually function pretty well on the fractioned scraps of sleep you're thrown here and there.

6. If you read enough articles and blog posts about the horrors of your postpartum body you will be fearful of the worst and may be pleasantly surprised that it's not as bad as you thought it was going to be. Please remember that I said "may be". Those horrible things I read did actually happen to someone.

7. God makes babies cute for a reason. Crying and middle of the night wake ups are a lot more tolerable in adorable packaging.

8. Seeing your husband be a good daddy will melt your heart and make you love him even more.

9. When baby is hungry you stop everything to feed them. Like writing a blog post. Adios.

Monday, August 6, 2012


You may have noticed my blogging has really tapered off these days! Moving into a new house and getting things ready for baby has consumed so much of me. I've still been cooking and crafting away, but the part where I have the time/energy to take pictures and write about it just isn't there.

The baby will be here soon and I imagine my days will be filled with feedings, diaper changes, crying, snuggling and sleep-deprivation, so I can't imagine my blogging will get any more frequent in the near future. I might blog again, or maybe I won't. I guess time will tell!

The blog will stay up, but I have decided not to renew my domain subscription, so now you can get here via

Hope your day is fabulous. Until I write again...

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Hello There!

Life has been busy! And without internet at home, blog posting isn't really happening. But guess what? A TON has happened.

1. We closed on our house and moved in! I'm love love loving being in our new place. We officially got the keys on April 19th and spent our first night there on April 22nd. It still feels surreal. I wake up pretty much every morning, walk into our kitchen and think three things: (1) Do I really have a kitchen this big? (2) Man, I love that view. and (3) God is REALLY awesome.

2. Baby A is growing like a weed! I think she went through a growth spurt because my appetite has been insatiable. Oh yeah, SHE. I don't think I made the official announcement here yet, but IT'S A GIRL! Brandon and I are both beyond excited. I'm dreaming of pink girliness and I can't wait to decorate that nursery. I'm nearing then end of my 22nd week, but here's a photo from last week:

3. We adopted two other family members! Say hello to our new dogs: Cora and Conway. Oh my goodness, they melt my heart.

Are we crazy for adopting dogs when we have a baby on the way? Probably. But sometimes life just needs a little dose of crazy. On a whim last Sunday we made a stop at the Escondido Humane Society. We were only looking for one dog, but after meeting these two one-year-old boxers, I just couldn't say no. They're brother and sister and very bonded, so separating them just wasn't an option. After a night of thinking it over, more than a few people telling me I'm crazy, and some serious puppy dog eyes and pouty lips aimed at my husband, we ended up at Walmart buying dog food bowls and a leash. They came home with us Monday and I'm loving doggy parenthood. You can check out a video of them on the news here. Tell me they're not the cutest things EVER!

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Baby Bump

It's time for a baby update! I've been feeling great and am actually enjoying pregnancy for the most part. The nausea is pretty much gone now and thanks to twice weekly chiropractor visits, my back is feeling much better than it did a couple of months ago.

I love seeing my tummy grow. I keep day dreaming about what our baby will look like and how it will feel to hold him/her in my arms for the first time. In exactly two weeks we should get to find out if Baby A is a boy or a girl. Can't wait! I'm so excited to pick out a name and decorate the nursery.

As far as the cravings go, I don't think I've been too too bad. No middle of the night Jack in the Box runs, or urges to eat weird things like laundry detergent or chalk. Two weeks ago though I HAD to have some fried pickles. And then this past weekend, on a completely overcast, totally not hot day, I absolutely needed shaved ice. Thank God I have a patient husband who is willing to go to a restaurant he dislikes for fried pickles and drive me 20 miles round trip to get shaved ice.  Best. Husband. Ever.

Friday, March 23, 2012

Life Update

I have great news, friends! We found a house (!!!!) I've been told that looking for the house is the fun part. And the escrow/appraisal/inspection/getting your mortgage crap together was the make-you-want-to-cry-and-pull-your-hair-out part. Turns out, those people were right. So here we are, smack in the middle of the un-fun part of the process. Instead of complaining about the craziness, let's just talk fun house details.

The house is located in San Marcos, California, which is a suburb located north of San Diego. It's in a great little neighborhood with mature trees and some very good schools (funny how you get pregnant and suddenly care about elementary school test scores of all things). The home has been completely renovated, which means this pregnant girl and her husband just get to have fun decorating. 3 bedrooms. 2 baths. Backyard faces west and has a great view from the kitchen- definitely looking forward to the sunsets this summer. And the kitchen is wide open. Woo hoo! I'm pretty happy with it and can't wait to move in. If all goes as planned (prayers sent and fingers crossed), we should be moving in mid-April.

For now, here's a picture of the front. Please excuse my finger ruining things in the upper left as well as the garage door that appears to be broken, but is now fixed.

And, as you may have guessed, I've crossed a few things of the old list. Less than two months left!

10.   Sit. Be still. Watch a sunset

Done. Tuesday happened to be beautiful and with the recent time change, the sun now sets at 7. We headed down to La Jolla Cove, watched the sunset and then grabbed some dinner. I'm trying to get as many date nights in before this baby comes! I forget just how lucky I am to live in a place so beautiful.

11.   Run a mile  Finish a book.
Oooh. Over-acheiver me has finished 3 books! I read the first two books in The Hunger Games series, and also discovered what may very well be my new favorite book, written by my new favorite author: Cold Tangerines by Shauna Niequist. It's a collection of short essays about life. Her writing just flows and is filled with personality. I found myself relating to almost every single word and feeling like I really wanted to be friends by the time I was done. I've now moved on to her second book, Bittersweet. I'm sure it will be just as great.

As you may remember, wine tasting got the ax, so I went to a museum instead. Totally not a fair trade. In a battle between history and wine, I think wine wins. Unless of coure you're learning about history over a glass (or 2. or 3.) of wine. In that case, they can live in harmony. Or, in the case of pregnancy, I guess history wins. The exhibit was actually pretty great. It's amazing to see all those artifacts in person.

What else is going on in our world? Well, Baby A is growing and growing. I'm really amazed at this whole growing a baby thing. Every so often I stop and think "Holy cow. There is like a real life baby growing INSIDE of me." It's amazing and terrifying and beautiful. And I love it. I've been taking baby bump photos, but just haven't gotten around to editing and uploading, but hopefully next week!

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Wednesday Words #23 {thoughts on home buying and a free printable}

{free printable}

It's been a while since I talked about home buying. Last time we talked, we were looking in Temecula. Well, things have changed. We thought about it, prayed about, talked and talked and talked about it and came to our decision for two important reasons:

1. That commute is just too long. For me AND Brandon. For me, I thought, well maybe it won't be so bad. I'll get used to it. And then on one ordinary day my 25 minute commute turned into 35 minutes because of traffic and I literally screamed in frustration. Scratch that. I know me and I totally won't get used to it. Brandon could probably hang. He's tough like that. But I think he'd get over it eventually.

2. We wanted a baby (and now we're having one!) and with that, we wanted to be close to family. Yes, Temecula would only put us about 45 minutes away from Brandon's parents and sister, but 45 minutes is not close enough for a hey-let's-go-over-to-grandma-and-grandpa's-house-because-we-feel-like-it dinner. We definitely wouldn't see family as much as we'd like and that is a big downside.

With our $300k budget, Temecula definitely got us a lot. 4-5 bedrooms. A newer home. 2000+ square feet. A gorgeous kitchen. But it with it came a drain on a precious resource: time. Time wasted commuting. Time missing extended family. Although the draw of a shiny new dream home makes me swoon, we both realized it wasn't worth it. For some it might be. But it just wasn't the right decision for us.

So where does that leave us now? We're still buying a home. But now we're focusing on North San Diego County. It's where our family lives. It's where Brandon grew up and I spent my teenage years. I never thought I'd be back, but here we are, searching for a home. It's hard to adjust our expectations. $300k buys you a lot less here than it does in Temecula. But I'm realizing it's enough. We don't need a giant house to be happy. 3 bedrooms works. And so does 1300 square feet (although I'm hoping for more :)

We put in an offer on a short sale about a month and a half ago. The home is right around the corner from Brandon's parents' house. 3 bedrooms. 2.5 baths. GIANT back yard. 1700 square feet. It's pretty amazing. But we haven't heard back. So we're waiting. And waiting. And my impatient pregnant self is like "hello! we have a baby on the way, people. We need to get OUT of our tiny one bedroom." But I know it will all work out. I mean, we do have more than six months. It's not time to freak out yet.

The right home is waiting for us. The home we'll bring our baby to. That home will be filled with love and we'll make lots of memories there. I just need to keep reminding myself to be patient and that "a good home must be made, not bought".

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Homemade Granola {Low-Fat & Super-Customizable!}

I learned how to make granola. And let me tell you- it's easy! My step mom gave me her recipe. My favorite part about it is how customizable it can be. Also, it uses apple sauce instead of oil making it a low fat treat. Score! We made a few batches- Vanilla Almond, Cranberry Walnut and Blueberry Almond.

You start by mixing all of your delicious ingredients together.

Then you spread it all out on a pan. And bake it.

Enjoy it. With some yogurt? Milk? Ice Cream? By itself? Up to you!

Homemade Low-Fat Granola
6 cups rolled oats
1 cup shredded coconut
3/4 cup nuts, your choice, sliced or chopped
1/2 cup brown sugar
1/4 cup sunflower seeds (optional)
1/4 cup flax seeds (optional)
1 cup grape nuts (optional)

1/2 cup honey
1/2 cup applesauce
1/3 cup water
1 1/2 tsp. vanilla extract

1 cup dried fruit (cranberries, blueberries, raisins...whatever sounds good!)

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Combine oats, coconut, nuts, brown sugar, seeds and cereal in large bowl. In small bowl or glass measuring cup, combine honey, applesauce, water and vanilla. Pour wet ingredients over dry and mix well to coat. Spread evenly on greased baking sheets or pans. Cook in preheated oven 20-35 minutes, stirring every 7-8 minutes or so. Remove from oven when slightly crisp. Stir in dried fruit. Granola will harden more once it cools. Allow to cool completely and store in airtight container. Makes about 10 cups.

 Once you have the main ingredients down, it's really up to you how you want to customize it. Feel like adding some pumpkin seeds? Why not? Dried apples & cinnamon? Ok! It's up to you.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

26 Before 26 Update

Let's talk about my 26 Before 26 List. So, it's probably safe to say that the following items are NOT happening now that I'm knocked up and stuff.

11.   Run a mile (apparently starting a running routine while you're pregnant isn't advised)
15.   Go wine tasting in Temecula (obvious reasons here.)
So we need some replacements. And I've decided they're going to be easy. Why? Because I might be just the slightest bit overwhelmed by what's left on the list and the 3 months I have left to complete it.

So now...
11=   Finish a book. (I have a few too many half read books lying around)
15= Go see the Titanic Exhibit at the San Diego Natural History Museum (This one should be easy since we already have plans to go tomorrow!)

In other news, I have a completion to report!
19.   Hike Torrey Pines

We actually went about a month ago, but you know me...major procrastinating with the blogging lately. It's one of those places that's in your hometown that you probably should have gone to by now, but just never have. I need to start being a tourist in my own city! I too often forget how gorgeous San Diego is.

The Torrey Pines State Natural Reserve is located just north of San Diego between La Jolla and Del Mar. It's a wilderness reserve along the coast that is just breathtakingly beautiful. I'll let the pictures do the rest of the talking. The trails are pretty easy and short and you can avoid paying for parking if you can find some at the bottom of the hill along the beach. Just prepare yourself for the trek up that hill!

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Another Excuse

So I've been absent for quite a while. I know I know. I'm sorry. I've been exhausted. But I have a good excuse!

Yup. I'm preggers! And this whole baby growing thing makes for one tired mama. I'm averaging about 9+ hours of sleep a night, which means I just haven't been waking up to blog. It's been a hard secret to keep. I'm ten weeks along and we just had our second ultrasound yesterday. I can't believe how fast this thing is growing. The baby went from 6 mm to 3 cm in just 4 weeks. No wonder I'm tired! 

Here's our ultrasound. Rather than making you squint and say "yeah...I guess that kinda looks like a babyyyyy", I'll just point out the important parts.

My morning sickness is pretty mild, and my biggest complaint is that my back hurts. So I guess that's a good thing. Although when I'm up at 1:00 am with back pain, I sometimes think puking doesn't sound so bad. Chicken is now disgusting to me. And I'm craving all things sour. Pickles. Limes. Sour Jelly Bellys. Oh, and my pants don't fit.
Can you forgive me for my absence?

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Wednesday Words #22

We are back from Idaho and that means back to work this morning! I hope to post some pictures soon as well as a recipe for some super yummy lowfat granola I made with my mom.

OK...onto the Words of Wednesday.

Since we skipped last week, how about a double dose? I re-stumbled across the artist Katie Daisy and her shop, The Wheatfield, on etsy.

I really couldn't pick just one. Her way of illustrating words is just perfection.

{Go buy this from The Wheatfield on etsy)

{Go buy this from The Wheatfield on etsy)

Friday, January 20, 2012

Holy Snow!

Brandon and I are up visiting my parents in Coeur d'Alene, Idaho for a long weekend. You just can't get this kind of beauty in San Diego. I love it!

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Santa Barbara

Lucky me, I got to go to Santa Barbara last weekend! One of my very good friends, Katie, lives up there, so my best friend Nikki and I decided to head up that way for the weekend. Instead of battling crazy Friday traffic through Orange County and LA, we decided to take the train. Best.Move.Ever. Yes, it took 5 hours. But it was 5 hours of not driving, so that's pretty awesome if you ask me.

We went on a beautiful hike Saturday morning. Instead of describing it, why don't we just look at all the pictures Nikki took with her iPhone? I must admit, I'm pretty impressed with her skills.

After the hike, we stopped by the Santa Barbara Zoo where Katie will be getting married this summer. How cool is that??! Seriously, her wedding is going to be GORGEOUS. 

We also got to help Katie out with some of her SUPER cute wedding stuff. I just love weddings. And hers is really going to be amazing. And on top of that, I really just love Santa Barbara. Everything about it is just so charming. From State Street to the beaches to the Mission and everything in between, every time I go, I just want to drink it all up. It's so beautiful. Can't wait to go back!

UPDATE: A few people have asked me where we were hiking. Truth be told- I had no idea! Luckliy, Katie filled me in! We were at Romero Canyon Trail. The trail head is pretty close to Rattlesnake Trail.