
Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Wednesday Words #18 and a Blog Award!

{made by me} 

Download the 8x10 pdf and jpg from Google Docs

In the spirit of passing it on, Chrissy of The Taylor House  has awarded me with the Liebster Blog Award. (Thanks, Chrissy!). Chrissy's blog is full of fun crafts and recipes. Go check her out!
The Criteria: The Liebster Blog Award is meant to showcase bloggers who have fewer than 200 followers. This is all done in the spirit of pay-it-forward.

The Rules: You must mention and link to the person who awarded you with Liebster, and mention 5 other blogs with fewer than 200 followers who you think worthy of the Liebster!"

"‘Liebster’ means ‘favorite’ or ‘dearest’ in German. This award, which originated in Germany, recognizes up and coming bloggers! In accepting this award, I agree to:

Thank the person that gave me the award and link back to their blog
  • Copy and paste the award to my blog
  • Reveal the 5 blogs I have chosen to award and let them know by commenting on their blog
  • Pay it forward by awarding it to bloggers they would like to honor
It was hard to pick just five, but I finally came to a decision.

Eva's blog is great. She certainly delights in Jesus and has some great crafts to share along the way. I hope one day her and I can be real life friends :)
2. Craftaphile
Kim was one of my very first followers that I didn't know in real life. She is definitely a lover of all things crafty and her blog is full of craft goodness.

3. Things We Fancy
These two friends are off to an AMAZING start with their blog. They're just over a month old and have already shared a ton of great DIY projects, fashion advice and so much more.

Brand NEW blog. But off to an amazing start. Kelsey is my real life friend and is a fabulous photographer and is crafty to boot. I also designed her blog header for her, so I'm kind of partial :) Go check her out!

Another real life friend. Almost a month old and Jami Lynn is alternatively cracking me up and inspiring me on a regular basis. 

Linking up with:
The 36th Avenue