
Friday, December 30, 2011

Almost New Year's Eve!

New Year's Eve is TOMORROW, people! Who's excited??

What are your plans? What are you wearing?

Three things about New Year's the make me excited:
1. I get to wear a sparkly dress. Check out my NYE board on pinterest
2. My husband is off! Which means we are actually going out! So excited.
3. I am currently off of work and I don't have to go back until Tuesday. Woo hoo!

Also, I totally love this video. I kinda of want me and Zooey Deschanel to be best friends.

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Goat Cheese, Bacon, Tomato & Spinach Scramble

This recipe simply came out of a breakfast craving. I wanted eggs. But not just regular eggs. So I looked in my fridge and this was what was there. And it certainly did the trick.

It starts with delicious bacon, sizzling and popping and getting all crispy and irresistable. Then the fluffy eggs. Throw in some red ripe juicy tomatoes, healthy spinach and creamy sweet goat cheese and you've got a delicious breakfast. Eat it with a perfectly toasted slice of sourdough and you're in heaven.

This is one of those recipes that Brandon was simply not interested in eating. He's not a fan of spinach, tomatoes, or goat cheese, so it certainly wasn't a surprise. It just explains why this recipe is written for one serving. Feel free to double, triple or ten-duple (totally not a word) it to suit your breakfast needs.

{serves one}
2 strips bacon
2 eggs
splash of milk
handful of baby spinach leaves
6-8 grape tomatoes, halved
1/2 oz. goat cheese, crumbled
salt & pepper to taste

Cook strips of bacon in medium skillet. Once done, remove from pan and place them on some paper towels to allow the excess grease to drain. Dump the majority of the grease from the skillet, but do not wash it- the residual bacon grease will give the eggs some great flavor.
Beat eggs together with a splash of milk, salt & pepper and then pour into skillet. Cook on medium heat. Chop or crumble bacon. Once the eggs are almost done, toss in your tomatoes, spinach bacon and goat cheese. Toss until everything is heated through. Enjoy!

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Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Wednesday Words #20 - For Auld Lang Syne

Can you believe New Year's Eve is just a few days away?

One of my favorite New Year's Eve traditions is the song "Auld Lang Syne", which explains why I love the photo below oh so much. Now that I think about it, I'm not really sure if I've ever actually sung it on New Year's Eve, but I always see it in movies. And since I often wish my life was like a movie (complete with the perfect soundtrack), I love it.

Find its original source here from A Field Journal- a new-to-me blog that I'm slowly falling in love with (Oooh. I'm so bad ending my sentences with prepositions). Click the photo or the link to learn how to make that adorable banner and a couple other New Year's Eve projects.

So what does Auld Lang Syne mean anyway? And why do we sing it on New Year's Eve? Well, the first line- "For Auld Lang Syne" can be rather loosely translated as "for old times sake". Literally, "Auld Lang Syne" means "old long since."

The lyrics were written in a poem by Robert Burns in 1788. Singing the song on New Year's Eve soon became a tradition for the Scots. The tradition spread as people emigrated and is now a custom in most English speaking countries. Interesting, huh? For more info, check it out on wikipedia.

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Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Three Things Done!

Good morning, friends. I'm happy to be back in the swing of things, but not so happy that I'm going back to work this morning. It always proves so much harder to get your butt out of bed the Tuesday after a three day weekend, doesn't it?

How was your Christmas? Did you get everything you wanted and more? I got quite a few things off my list and am one happy girl. Of the most excitement to this blog, I got a shape-cutting and embossing machine called the Sizzix Big Shot. I have no idea how to use it yet, but I'm sure it's going to take my crafting to the next level.

Well, recently I've managed to knock a few things off my 26 before 26 list. I figured we should update.

#22 Make a care package for a homeless person.
Unfortunately, no pictures. I won't go into the details, but just know that it was done and it was a great experience.

#6. Bring Treats to a Neighbor.
I made a box of sweet Christmas treats for the neighbors across the way and left them on their doorstep.

#17 Go to the Theater.
We went to see The Nutcracker last weekend. I loved it! Guess who didn't? Oh well...he was a good sport about it.

So that brings the count to six things complete- twenty more to go on the list. We've got less than 5 months, so I better get on it. Especially that running one. Man, am I not liking that one. Ugh.

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Monday, December 26, 2011

'twas the day after Christmas,

and I'm full as can be. Full of love, gratitude and joy. Oh, and my stomach is pretty full too. I hope each of you enjoyed your weekend so so much. My husband I have the very rare day off together, so we'll definitely be enjoying it. He even requested we go shopping so you KNOW I'm not going to pass up that opportunity. See you tomorrow, my friends!

Friday, December 23, 2011

Christmas Traditions

We all have Christmas traditions. And sometimes we don't even realize they're traditions until we miss them one year and it just doesn't feel like Christmas without them. 

For me, it's watching It's a Wonderful Life and White Christmas. It's baking cookies with my step mom. It's church on Christmas Eve. It's being woken up by my sweet little brothers who can barely contain their excitement for Christmas morning. It's not-so-patiently waiting for my mom to finally sit down so we can get the party started. It's hearing my Dad's deep morning voice read us the Christmas story before we tear into those presents. It's been homemade cinnamon rolls (for the past six years at least). It's been cold weather for the past seven.

Many of those traditions are from a different last name ago. Being that my family lives out of state and my husband's job doesn't make it the easiest for us to take off time around Christmas and he has a whole family here that we would miss on Christmas, this will be the second year in a row I'm spending Christmas without my dad, step mom and brothers. And with that, comes saying goodbye to and modifying a few of my old traditions, but also saying hello to some new ones.

I still watch my favorite movies. I bake cookies on my own. We go to church. I skype in for Christmas morning in with my family. I still make those cinnamon rolls (the jury is still out on whether it's happening this year...). I learn to appreciate the 72 degree weather on Christmas.

But I also get the Adams' Family Annual Christmas Vacation Party. Complete with ridiculous outfits, Griswold Family Christmas shirts, movie quoting and always. ALWAYS. a hilarious group photo. 

 {last year's photo}

I get time spent with my new family, who I love so much.

And I get my very favorite Adams family Christmas ornament tradition. Every time you go on vacation and for any special occasion you get a Christmas ornament. We are only on our second Christmas and I'm loving the memories we get to cherish and relive when we put up those ornaments. I can only imagine how many more we'll collect over the years.

Our first one was from our honeymoon.

And then as a wedding gift, we received this one from Brandon's parents. Yes, I fully intend to put a picture in there. Eventually. 

For Christmas 2010, Brandon's sister gave us this beautiful Lenox bride and groom ornament.

And then we got this one from our trip this last June to Idaho to see my little brother graduate from high school

This one from our cruise in September 2011.

And this one from Brandon's parents for our first anniversary.

Hopefully one year soon we can make it up to my family's home to celebrate with them, until then, I'm happy with my modifications and I'm glad I have the Adams family to share in the new ones. I'm sure we'll make even more traditions as the years go on. I'm so thankful for all the loved ones in our life. We have amazing families.

Merry Christmas!
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Thursday, December 22, 2011

Wedding Invitation Ornament and #18 Complete

Today is a two for one post, people! We get one super easy project AND we get to cross something off my 26 before 26 list. Woo hoo! And, if you're looking for a last minute gift for some newlyweds in your life, this would be perfect.

My sweet cousin Melissa just got married this month. I was so sad we couldn't make it out to the wedding, but I knew I wanted to send her something special. I originally saw the project on pinterest, and loved it. It's so simple and so meaningful. Gotta love that.

Wanna learn how to make one too? As with most of my projects, it's so very easy.

Supplies you'll need:
Wedding invitation (or other meaningful piece of paper- birth announcement maybe?)
Clear glass ornament

Simply cut the invitation into strips.

You want the words to show, so don't cut any lines of words in half. You most likely won't be able to fit the entire invitation in the ornament, so you can put the strips that are blank to the side and only use them if you need them.

 Next, you need to curl your strips. To do this, simple wrap the strips around your finger or a pen in a spiral. Then just take the top off the ornament and feed the curled strips into the bulb. If they aren't laying how you'd like them to, try using some tweezers to manipulate the strips inside the bulb. Tie a ribbon on it and you're all done!


And there it is - #18 crossed off the 26 before 26 list! Truth be told, I've actually made a few gifts this Christmas season, but I can't post about those before Christmas because I don't want to ruin the surprise for the recipients. BUTTTT- I officially received news that this gift was received yesterday and now I felt free to post about it!

 I think it's the perfect thing to do with a wedding invitation- don't you? I might just have to bust out one of mine from the overflowing wedding box and do it :)

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Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Wednesday Words #20 {a grinch printable}

Christmas isn't Christmas for me without watching The Grinch. Love that movie. 
That Grinchy Grinch's heart transformation gets me everytime.

The print above is free to print for personal use!
Set up in 8x10 format
Click here to download the jpg (good for sending to a photo printer)
Click here for the pdf (good for at home printing)

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It's Overflowing

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Christmas Chaos

I cannot believe Christmas is less than a week away. It came so fast! We're mostly done with our shopping, and the tree has been up for quite a while. We've been enjoying the advent calendar I made and I just don't want it to be over.

Up until this week, I've had a pretty stress-free season. And then...this past weekend happenend:

{last minute christmas crafting}

On Saturday I thought we were all done with our shopping, until I realized we WEREN'T, so of course I freaked out on my husband. You know, because all of that is totally his fault. (NOT). Oh, and I also decided I would make an additional small gift for about six more people. (I'm being vague because I'm pretty sure those gift recipients read this blog :) It's funny how everything I do seems to take at least twice as long as I think it will!

 {welcome to my home! hahahah}

I then realized that I desperately needed to get things in the mail if we wanted them there by Christmas. Does anyone else feel my pain on packaging gifts to send in the mail? I feel like I can never find the right sized box and I'm always running low on packing materials. (Plastic grocery bags work pretty good in a pinch!). So of course I left that project until Sunday.

 {our apartment pretty much looks like this and worse all weekend. I won't even show you the kitchen}

So on Sunday, I told myself I would take it easy. I'd just go to church, wrap and package presents and then relax until we went to see The Nutcracker that evening. Well. I lasted on the couch for about 5 minutes. It was then that I realized that my days for making the Christmas cookies I've been intending to make for the last three weeks were limited. So, instead of relaxing like I know I should have, I got to baking. Not just one kind of cookie. THREE KINDS. I know. Sometimes my self-induced crazy is just ridiculous.

Considering I didn't start this whole cookie process until after noon, and that I had to make a run to the store for supplies and that we needed to leave for the show at 4:30, I obviously did not get everything done. So of course I was up late on Sunday finishing as much of said cookie making as I could.

Oh well, I can just finish them after work on Monday, right? Wrong. Why? Because I had plans to go to the movies last night with the husband and friends. So with 30 minutes at home between work and the movies I decide to make ANOTHER batch of cookie dough so that it can chill while we're at the movies. Mind you, I haven't even finished baking/decorating all of the other three batches I started. Why am I so insane? Of course I was up until 11:45 last night, which is way.too.late. for this girl. And considering this is the second night in a row where I got less than 7 hours of sleep, I am DRAGGING this morning.

I  just read a great blog post from what I think might be my new favorite author, Shauna Niequist. My friend Nicole introduced me to her. Currently reading her book, Cold Tangerines, and I just love love love her writing.

Anyway, the blog post was titled Present over Perfect. It was probably just what I needed to hear.

What great advice. Now, if only I can make my crazy, ridiculous self follow it. The fact that every picture in this blog post is completely unedited and un-watermarked is a good start, right? Also, some of my cookies turned out -'ahem- less than perfect. And I'm just rolling with it. Resisting the urge to throw three dozen cookies in the trash. Just letting things go left and right over here.


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Monday, December 19, 2011


Can I be honest for a second? Almost every morning I wake up so so so excited to sit at my desk and craft a post for you. But today is one of those days I just don't know what to post. And boy, do I want to crawl back into bed this morning. I went to bed grumpy. And guess what? I woke up that way too. This morning, I seriously need to make a latte and spend some time with God.

So while I'm off not writing a post and getting my life and grumpy Monday morning self together, here are some things for you to do:

Need a homemade gift? This would make a great one.
Read my first post ever
How about some delicious muffins?
Feeling the Holiday season weight gain? Eat this salad. You'll feel better about yourself.
Remember what I said about joyous Christmas tears?, then watch the video below.

Yes. It's long. No, you don't have to watch the whole thing. But at least watch the first few minutes. It's hilarious and adorable. Promise. The tears come later. Or at least they did for me.

12/11/2011 - Flood Christmas Concert from FloodSanDiego on Vimeo.

Friday, December 16, 2011

11 Genius Things

Well. The breakfast recipe isn't getting posted as planned. 

Instead, let's talk about some things that I think are genius. 
Things that make you say- "How come I didn't think of that!?"

So much cooler than having to say you got a paper cut. I'd definitely use all the dance off ones first.

Tell me I'm not the only one who ends up dumping ground beef. Drives.Me.Crazy.

3. This water bottle that has a compartment for your cards, money and key. You know, for when I finally get my butt working out again.

4. This cake batter dispenser. Um. Do I even need to explain? This is amazing.

5. Nighstand WIN. One nightstand, painted, cut in half. Genius.

6. Pancake batter + cookie cutters. Need I say more? Get ready to have the happiest breakfast of your life.

8. Turn your toaster sideways to make grilled cheese. If only I knew about this in college.

9. What to do with leftover wine. Because sometimes you're just not going to finish that bottle. Freeze it and use it for cooking!

10. A flashlight by the breaker box. Maybe you're all geniuses and have this. I don't. Seems like a logical thing to do though. 

11. Cupcake packaging in small plastic cups. Definitely could have used this before.

{All photos and sources can be found on pinterest}
Have a good weekend!


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Thursday, December 15, 2011

Guest Post : Holiday Slush

Oh goodness do I have a treat for you this morning. We have another guest post today, but not just any guest post. This one is our first EVER male guest poster. Get excited people.

Last week Brandon and I had our good friend Andrew over. We were discussing Creating Christmas week and he wanted to know why he wasn't invited to guest post. I think at this point I almost spit out my water because I thought he was kidding. Apparently he wasn't kidding, because it wasn't long before I had a blog post and photos in my inbox.

Andrew doesn't have a blog, but he's pretty good at taking pictures of the whole process, don't you think? Also, totally jealous of all that natural light in his kitchen. It's kicking my kitchen's florescent-lighted butt.

And just to make it better, I put together this little photo of our dear friend Andrew. Taken on mine and Brandon's wedding day.

I've tasted this slush the past few Christmases, and it's pretty good. Maybe too good.  Just don't overindulge :) 

And with that, let's see what Andrew has for us!
{Side note: Can you find the pictures below with the reflection of him in the teapot?}

Ok, here is what you need:
4 cups boiling water
1 12 oz container of frozen oj
1 12 oz container of frozen lemonade
3 or 4 tea bags
1 cup of sugar
fifth of jim beam (750 ml) (you can use whatever whiskey but jb tastes best because it's bourbon)
1 gallon container (ice cream bucket is best)
-Steep tea in container for 10-15 min
-Add sugar and stir
-Add containers of frozen lemonade and oj
-Pour in 750 ml of jb
-Finally add as much water as you'd like to help water down the potentency
-After stirring enough to dissolve the concentrates, pop in the freezer.

 Enjoy about 3-4 days later (by putting this is small ziplock type storage containers it will help to "slush up" faster)


Thanks for sharing, Andrew! Hope you readers all have a great day. I'll see you tomorrow with a yummy breakfast recipe.

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